Singapore Ranks #1 for Expats

Singapore Ranks #1 for Expats

A recent survey by HSBC Bank has ranked Singapore as the top place for wealthy expatriates to live and work. The small City State located at the tip of the Malay Peninsula has been regarded as a modern, stable and economically vibrant locale for several decades.

Over 5000 expats in 100 countries were surveyed, and the results showed that Singapore ranked very high due to factors such as earning power, disposable income, quality of life and ability to accumulate luxuries. Thailand earned the second place and the Cayman Island third out of the 30 countries being ranked. Nearly half of those interviewed had an annual income of over US$200,000.

Singapore has a population of 5 million residents and is highly popular for expatriates from Europe, Australia and the US due to being highly Westernized, extremely safe, organized and stable. According to authorities, approximately 20% of the population is made up of foreigners.

The rising population in Singapore, partly due to the influx of foreign workers, along with a strong economy has pushed property values up. Investors seeking a guaranteed return on their property investment find Singapore as one of the safest and profitable investment options. High Net Worth individuals from neighboring Asian countries are top investors in the Singapore property market.

With its reputation as a global financial center, a dependable government, a reputable education system, a leading edge technology center, with environmentally friendly policies and a diverse and welcoming culture, Singapore hits all the high notes to lead the list of places for wealthy expatriates to work and live.


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